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My name is Daniel James Dressler I am a skater from East Dorset Vermont. I am eighteen years old and a senior in high school. I enjoys hikes with my friends, obviously skateboarding, going to concerts, and anything else that will get the blood flowing.

One of the best concerts I've been to was a Ski Mask the Shlump God, He played in West Hartford, CT. It was a long drive there but very much so worth it.  I filmed this on my phone it was hard trying to get a good video when you have 200+ people in front of you going crazy. I would love to film concerts live. But I'd rather cover classical rock performances.

My man goal in cinematography not to learn how to report and put together news stories. I want to learn more about the cinematography that goes into being a good skateboarding filmer, to learn how to edit videos down and find my own unique way to go about it all. BBA is not skateboard friendly if you ski and snowboard you're set but if you skate you are shit out of luck. Everyone thinks of skating as these bad kids who are drug addicts and have no goals, when in reality skaters are bad kids because everyone puts us in these situations and we are ALWAYS portrayed as the bad kids. Im fed up with the way we get treated just for a sport we play. Its ludicrous getting shunned for loving a sport thats so dynamic. Skateboarding has no race, no gender, no politics. I can go anywhere in the world and do a kickflip and other skaters see that and know what it is. I have made so many great friends through skateboarding. 

This is a short little film made by Jarret, Jack, and myself. It was a completely random, we had no plan or shot list. We had a camera a tripod and a setting. We got our inspiration as we filmed we came up with a short film that had somewhat of a story but we mainly were focused on having good shots.

Some Good music

These are some of my personal favorites I tried to choose three different styles however, for me good music is good music. 

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